Walking The Tight Rope – Avoid The Bad Decision In The Public Entity
Bringing Real Cases To Training Classes
Joseph Petrucelli brings extensive research and 30 years of experience to the development of this interactive case study based on fraud in county government. Its purpose is to create an awareness of fraud in the public entity.
Government and Public Entity Corruption
Many federal and state governmental agencies manage billions of dollars in assets and revenue each year. Those who are elected to office have a tremendous amount of responsibility to safeguard these assets. However, each year we hear of cases of mismanagement and corruption. We bring one of those cases to life with an interactive case study led by fraud examiner and CPA Joe Petrucelli. Using investigative techniques, audiences can follow along as the story unfolds to reveal the motivations and actions used to perpetrate an actual fraud.
Case of A County Auditor

A multi-million dollar infrastructure contract was awarded to a county government in southern Ohio. After numerous attempts to complete the project, millions were lost. As a result, the County Auditor, Kay Rogers, worked to find a solution for the taxpayers but unknowingly found herself as a co-conspirator to a federal criminal case. Facing pressure from Commissioners and concerned for her own political future, Kay would put herself in a position that would ultimately lead to her involvement in a multi-million bank fraud
This 3-hour ethics-driven class presents government workers and those who work with governments a perspective on how fraud occurs in organizations. The presentation includes an overview of the responsibilities for public workers and helps people understand where fraud can occur in public entities. To further demonstrate this, an interactive case study will be presented from the main character in the case who will provide details of the actions which resulted in criminal charges. In summary, the fundamentals of fraud will be presented with how they played out in the real-life case study.
Core Objectives
- Understand the importance of Professional Skepticism
- Understand different levels of “Knowing” and how willful blindness can lead to corruption
- Understand responsibilities of those in government with focus on where value is exposed
- Understand the role of the CPA or certified professional Understanding the Importance of Trust and its role in enabling fraud
- Understand the distractions that allow fraudulent schemes to occur
- Understand the opportunities and environments that exist that allow fraud to occur despite existing controls
- Understand how fraudsters use deception and separation to perpetrate their acts
- Understand how fraudsters gain access to value and convert it into a personal monetary gain.
- Understand how to identify those who are potential enablers and detractors of fraud
- Understand how to conduct adequate follow-up on important issues
- Understand the behaviors surrounding fraudulent actions
- Understand the Rule of Three to build consensus and protect against perception of conflicts of interest.
Course Outline
Definition of Fraud
Elements of Fraud
Types of Fraud in Government Organizations
Case Study Key Elements
Case Study Presentation
- Responsibility of Public Employee / Elected Official
- Distractions – Fiber Ring Project
- Access To Value – The Dynus Transaction
- The Gig Is Up – The Deal Falls Apart
- The Heat Is On (Federal Investigation)
- Consequences – Don’t Do the crime or you will do the time!
Case Study Key Element Review
- Misrepresented Reporting
- Intentional Misrepresentation
- Internal Control Breakdown
- Trust Factor Reliance
- Conflicts of Interest
Professional Skepticism
- Due Care
- Lack of Sufficient Evidence
- Mindset
- Illusion of Objectivity and Transparency
- Attribute Trust
Course Materials
Each participant will be given a case study book / workbook with material to be used throughout the presentation. It includes reading material, documents and a comprehensive test on the materials to comply with applicable continuing education requirements.
If you have question about this presentations or one of the many others that we have in our library, please send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 732-636-2100.
Visit our website at www.FraudForcesInc.com